Monthly Archives: February 2019

Easter Island

Day 6- Santiago rest day (25 Feb 2019): So it may not sound glorious, but after traveling for a month, we are running out of “less dirty” clothes. We headed to the nearest laundry facility today, which happened to be … Continue reading

Posted in Traveling to the Ends of the Earth | 1 Comment

Hiking the “O” Circuit in Torres Del Paine National Park, Chile with an 8 Month Old Baby

Day 8 (18 Feb 2019): 18.8 km- Central to Bass de las Torres lookout (i.e. the towers) and back to Puerto Natales 8:48AM Today we complete the O circuit. Baby just wasn’t in the mood for sleep last night, which … Continue reading

Posted in Backpacking with a baby in Torres del Paine, Traveling to the Ends of the Earth | 1 Comment


Sunday, 2/10/19 – El Chalten to Puerto Natales Glamping! Yup. Indescribable beauty. Check. The wind and rain of the last few days were replaced by beautiful blue skies and crisp air. Wow. El Chalten is beautiful when it is not … Continue reading

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Wednesday, 2/7/19 – São Paulo, day of relaxation at the Airport Porter enjoying a cioccolato latte in the Sau Paulo airport…. After a 7 hour red eye from Panama City, we landed in Sau Paulo. Confession, we don’t actually plan … Continue reading

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Tuesday, 2/5/19- Goodbye Aruba, Hello Panama City! We grabbed another Dutch Pancake from an old world restaurant in Aruba this morning before heading to the airport. One thing that really impressed us during our time on the island was the … Continue reading

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Sunday, 2/3/19 – From Miami to Aruba This morning we disembarked our cruise ship, enjoyed a nice breakfast with Sherpa’s parents, said our farewell’s and hopped on a plane to Aruba! Why fly to another island after geting off an … Continue reading

Posted in Traveling to the Ends of the Earth | Leave a comment

Cruising (Part 2)

St Kitts (Wednesday, 1/30/19) Today we took a tour of St Kitts that we had arranged ahead of the trip via recommendations from trip advisor. We booked directly with a local operator ensuring our tour dollars made it into the … Continue reading

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